Appearance: honey like in colour, with a lovely head that disappears quite quickly.
Smell: typically belgian tones with some banana and orange in there, mainly banana.
Taste: sweet with not too much hop character. ( i couldn't even notice the alc content even though it is 7%)
Mouthfeel: has plenty of carbonation that is not immediately noticeable from looking at the beer (no head) it is light and very enjoyable, i would definitely drink this again.
My second beer of the night is again from Goose Island, Pere Jacques 2009 is a very nice beer made in the style of a Belgian dubbel,

Apperance: a reddish amber colour, lighter than most belgian dubbels that i've had. slight tan head to begin with which once again Quickly disappears to leave just a little few patches of bubble where the carbonation is rising.
Smell: once again a very belgian scent with ripe summer fruits and banana evident with a hint of malt at the end.
Taste:Much the same as the scent although it is evident that this beer is more alcholic @ 9% than the last.
Mouthfeel: similar to the previous beer with plenty of carbonation, this beer is more chewy with a stronger and heavier feel than Matilda. nt particularly what i lke in a dubbel but it is very drinkable all the same.